Summer seminars

In the months of June and July, four seminars (4-8 hours each) are organised for each curriculum. The lectures are given by PhD Faculty members. Attendance is mandatory.

The students are required to write a critical essay on the topic of one of the seminars offered for their curriculum and which is not held by their supervisor. The essay must be submitted before the end-of-year colloquium.

Those who cannot attend the seminars (for duly substantiated reasons) must agree on an alternative topic for the essay with the lecturers and their supervisor. Third-year students must attend the seminars but are not required to write the essay.

Thematic Seminars - 2024

17th June 2024 – 5th July 2024

Literary curriculum

26.06.2024 ▪ 10:30 Aula Magna (Palazzo Matteucci) MsTeams
Emilia David, l clown – una metafora per l’identità dell’artista nel circo della storia e dell’esistenza in Matei Visniec e Norman Manea

2.07.2024 ▪ 9:00-13:00 Aula Musica (Palazzo Matteucci) MsTeams
Valeria Tocco e Federica Cappelli, Rimpatri e ritorni: la fine delle dittature iberiche – testi e contesti nella letteratura di Portogallo e Spagna

3.07.2024 ▪ 9:00-13:00 Aula Seminari (Palazzo Venera) MsTeams
Francesca Romoli, Approcci critici al testo letterario: esempi applicativi tra filologia testuale e ricostruzione storica

Linguistic curriculum

20.06.2024 ▪ 9:30-13:30 Aula Seminari (Palazzo Venera) MsTeams
Rosangela Lai, Parlanti ereditari di lingue di minoranza storica

27.06.2024 ▪ 9:30-13:30 Aula Seminari (Palazzo Venera)
Denise Filmer, Deconstructing the language of online news – a multimodal critical discourse analysis approach

1.07.2024 ▪ 9:30-13:30  Aula Seminari (Palazzo Venera) MsTeams
Rosa Garcìa & Francesco Attruia, Codifica ed espressione dell’evidenzialità nel discorso politico

Cross-disciplinary seminar

25.06.2024 ▪ 11:00-13:00 / 15:00-17:00 Aula Magna (Palazzo Matteucci) MsTeams
Stefano Brugnolo & Francesco Rovai, L’etimologia tra linguistica e retorica


For the essay assignment, students can choose a topic related to the seminar that most closely matched their interests.

Once the choice has been made, they must make contact with the lecturer(s) in question so as to agree on the exact topic, length (max. 2000 words + references), language and mode of delivery of the report.

The report must be sent to the lecturer(s), the doctoral programme Coordinator (Prof. Francesco Rovai), the Vice-coordinator Prof. Marco Sabbatini, the student’s supervisor and to the doctoral programme Secretary (Prof. Francesco Attruia).

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