Calendar of the Activites

For the academic year 2023-2024, the calendar determined by the Programme Council is as follows:

Giornate del Dottorato 2024

15th February 2024

Aula Magna Storica – Palazzo della Sapienza


Chair: M. Sabbatini

9:00 B. Rizzardi, Educare alla complessità nell’era della globalizzazione: tradurre la letteratura postcoloniale

10:00 A. Sanna, Errare, ossia cercare. Riflessioni sul fare artistico

11:00 pausa

Chair: A. Fambrini

11:30 D. Pierucci, El diablo mundo (1841) di José de Espronceda e il romanticismo europeo: intertestualità e originalità

12:30 S. Grazzini, Fortuna, felicità e amore ne L’Uomo senza qualità di Musil

13:30 pausa pranzo

15:30 Tavola rotonda: A. Ghezzani, Plagio creativo e riscrittura: una riflessione sulla letteratura come sistema aperto a partire da tre saggi di Borges

Discussants: P. Amenta, A. Baldini, A. Bianchini, S. Manzi, C. Martino, R. Narcisi, L. Santi


16th february 2024

Aula Magna Storica – Palazzo della Sapienza


Chair: A. Lenci

9:00 G. Marotta, Dislessia e scrittura

10:00 D. Romagno, Fra morfosintassi, semantica lessicale e interpretazione testuale: il caso del verbo ‘essere’ nel discorso filosofico

11:00 pausa

Chair: R. García

11:30 F. Attruia, Défense et Illustration du franco-albertain: preservazione e rivitalizzazione del francese nella regione rurale di Edmonton (Canada)

12:30 P. Malloggi, L’idiosincrasia nelle classi di parola

13:30 pausa pranzo

15:30 Tavola rotonda: F. Gallina, La nozione di “parola” in linguistica e nelle lingue

Discussants: S. Auriemma, G. Avano, R.B. Luzietti, F. Saettoni, D. Tashkhuzhaev

Invited lectures - Calendar for 2024


3.05.2024 ▪ 9:00 Palazzo Venera (Sala Riunioni) Aula MsTeams
Camilla Bardel (Stockholm University), Perché la L3? (proposer: Francesca Gallina)

9.05.2024 ▪ 15:00 Palazzo Venera (Sala Colonne) Aula MsTeams
Luca Lorenzetti (Università di Viterbo), Problemi linguistici e testuali del giudeo-romanesco del Seicento (proposer: G. Marotta)

21.05.2024 ▪ 15:00 Aula MsTeams
Charlotte Taylor (University of Sussex), Failure and falsification (proposer: G. Cappelli)

Maria Filomena Gonçalves (Universidade de Évora), Histórias e língua: Interfaces. O português como língua pluricêntrica (proposer: Monica Lupetti)

24.05.2024 ▪ 15:00 Palazzo Venera (Sala Riunioni) Aula MsTeams
Andreas Willi (University of Oxford), The prehistory of Greek εἰμί between typology and Indo-European reconstruction (proposer: D. Romagno)


23.02.2024 ▪ 15:00 Palazzo Venera (Sala Riunioni) Aula MsTeams
Jan Baetens (KU Leuven), Literary remake: limits and possibilities of a literary subgenre (proposer: R. Ferrari)

18.03.2024 ▪ 16:00 Palazzo Venera (Sala Riunioni) Aula MsTeams
Luca Fazzini (Centro de Estudos Comparatistas – CEComp – Universidade de Lisboa), Uno sguardo a sud: transiti atlantici e World Literature (proposer: V. Tocco)

26.03.2024 ▪ 10:30 Palazzo Venera (Sala Riunioni) Aula MsTeams
Mariacristina Cavecchi (Università degli Studi di Milano Statale), TYPUS – Transforming Young People Using Shakespeare: dalla ricerca alla scena (proposer: S. Soncini)

3.04.2024 ▪ 17:00 Palazzo Matteucci (Aula Magna) Aula MsTeams
Tania Collani, (Université de Haute-Alsace – UHA Mulhouse), Il sogno nella letteratura del Novecento (proposer: E. David)

[annullata – nuova data da definire] Aula MsTeams
Francesco Marroni (Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara), Disincanto e conflitto nel romanzo vittoriano: modelli di mondo in cerca d’autore (proposer: B. Rizzardi)

Project Presentations - 2024

16th april 2024: Second-Year Phd Students

Palazzo Matteucci Aula Magna / Aula virtuale MsTeams

Chair: Lorenzo Santi,  Giuditta Avano

14:00-14:30 Angel De Oliveira Amata
14:30-15:00 Elena Bastianoni
15:00-15:30 Andrea Lupi
15:30-16:00 Caterina Russo

16:00 break

16:30-17:00 Matteo Berni
17:00-17:30 Agnese Lombardi
17:30-18:00 Alessia Guidi
18:00-18:30 Paola Esposito

15th may 2024: First-Year Phd Students

Palazzo Matteucci – Aula Magna / Aula virtuale MsTeams

Moderatori: Andrea Bianchini, Serena Auriemma

14:00-14:20 María Helena Fernández Serrano
14:20-14:40 Teresa Lombardi
14:40-15:00 Maria Giardina
15:00-15:20 Camilla Predieri
15:20-15:40 Valeria De Rose

15:40 break

16:00-16:20 Alessio Agolino
16:20-16:40 Bianca Abbà
16:40-17:00 Mattia Proietti
17:00-17:20 Olga Kobzeva

Thematic Seminars - 2024

17th June 2024 – 5th July 2024

Literary curriculum

26.06.2024 ▪ 10:30 Aula Magna (Palazzo Matteucci) MsTeams
Emilia David, l clown – una metafora per l’identità dell’artista nel circo della storia e dell’esistenza in Matei Visniec e Norman Manea

2.07.2024 ▪ 9:00-13:00 Aula Musica (Palazzo Matteucci) MsTeams
Valeria Tocco e Federica Cappelli, Rimpatri e ritorni: la fine delle dittature iberiche – testi e contesti nella letteratura di Portogallo e Spagna

3.07.2024 ▪ 9:00-13:00 Aula Seminari (Palazzo Venera) MsTeams
Francesca Romoli, Approcci critici al testo letterario: esempi applicativi tra filologia testuale e ricostruzione storica

Linguistic curriculum

20.06.2024 ▪ 9:30-13:30 Aula Seminari (Palazzo Venera) MsTeams
Rosangela Lai, Parlanti ereditari di lingue di minoranza storica

27.06.2024 ▪ 9:30-13:30 Aula Seminari (Palazzo Venera)
Denise Filmer, Deconstructing the language of online news – a multimodal critical discourse analysis approach

1.07.2024 ▪ 9:30-13:30  Aula Seminari (Palazzo Venera) MsTeams
Rosa Garcìa & Francesco Attruia, Codifica ed espressione dell’evidenzialità nel discorso politico

Cross-disciplinary seminar

25.06.2024 ▪ 11:00-13:00 / 15:00-17:00 Aula Magna (Palazzo Matteucci) MsTeams
Stefano Brugnolo & Francesco Rovai, L’etimologia tra linguistica e retorica

Cross-sectoral Courses 2024

To be announced.

Graduate Conference 2024


Linguistic Disciplines and Foreign Literatures (DiLLeS)

Call for papers

Phenomenologies of memory: interconnecting literary, linguistic, and philological studies

Pisa, Palazzo Matteucci, Aula Magna

July 4-5, 2024

The conference’s aim is to investigate the multiplicity of meanings that the notion of memory can be seen to convey from a literary, linguistic, and philological point of view. What do we mean exactly when speaking of memory? Is reductio ad unum possible when dealing with such semantically differentiated concepts as retention, remembrance, recollection, recalling, and post-memory? How substantial are the differences between collective and individual memory? How do the mechanisms of memory reverberate on the structures and changes of linguistic systems? And how does human memory differ from the computational memories that are progressively gaining ground in the era of Big Data? Taking its cue from these issues, the conference intends to contribute to the debate on memory’s multiple connotations. Space will also be devoted to the interconnections between the language, writing, traditions and conceptualizations concerning memory, and to the ways the ‘phenomenologies of memory’ can be examined through the methodologies of linguistics, philological analysis, and literary criticism.

PhD students are invited to send their proposals on the following subjects (or similar/related themes):

  • Literature: individual/collective memory, explicit/implicit memory, prospective memory and post-memory, Trauma studies, autobiographical, biographical and historical/documentary writing, reconstructive memory and identity.
  • Linguistics: the mechanisms of memory and the structures of language from a synchronic and diachronic perspective; writing and metalinguistic canons; the role of memory in the acquisition and learning of language and in language disorders; artificial memories and computational linguistics.
  • Philology: authorial philology, Digital editions, memory transmission through texts, reconstructions of historical memory, the importance of memory for textual transmission.

PhD students who wish to participate must submit an abstract of 2,000 characters (including spaces and with a further section containing a Reference List). Please remember that abstracts should be accompanied by the presenter’s name and surname, institutional affiliation and e-mail address. Proposals should be submitted by May 12, 2024 to the following e-mail addresses:,  Presentations can be delivered in Italian or in English.

Abstract contributions will be evaluated by a scientific committee and accepted authors will be notified by June 2, 2024. A selection of the Conference papers will be published in the academic book series ILLA – Nuove Ricerche Umanistiche (Pisa University Press).

Further information will be available in the next weeks on the following link:

The DiLLeS Doctoral Conference follows the guidelines relating to gender equal opportunities at conferences.

End-of-Year Assessment 2024

30th january 2024, 9h30 Aula Magna di Palazzo Matteucci

9:30     Ludovica Cerini (XXXVI ciclo; supervisor: A. Lenci)

9:50     Paolo Pedinotti (XXXVI ciclo; supervisor: A. Lenci)

10:10   Giulia Greco (XXXVI ciclo; supervisor: D. Romagno)

10:30   Carolina Marescotti (XXXVI ciclo; supervisor: D. Romagno)

10:50   Valérie Tosi (XXXVI ciclo; supervisore: B. Rizzardi)

11:10   Marta Capossela (XXXVI ciclo; supervisore: M. Sabbatini)

11:30   Giovanni Pontolillo (XXXV ciclo; supervisore: A. Sanna)

11:50   Filippo Saettoni* (XXXVII ciclo; supervisore: S. Bruti)

*passaggio d’anno

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