Faculty Council

The Faculty Council of the PhD Programme includes distinguished professors and researchers active in their field of study.



  • L-FIL-LET/14 Literary Criticism and Comparative Literatures:
    Stefano Brugnolo (Professor)
  • L-FIL-LET/15 Germanic philology
    Marco Battaglia (Professor)
    Marco Battaglia (marco.battaglia@unipi.it; Orcid: 0000-0002-1069-2034) is Full Professor of Germanic Philology and Nordic Literatures at the University of Pisa. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal Studi Germanici at the IISG – Rome and Chief-editor of the journal Filologia germanica – Germanic Philology. His main research interests are the relationship between ‘barbarians’ and the classical world, Germanic mythology and law, Old Norse literature and the Nibelung-Volsungic cycle, Medievalism, and the role of Germanic myths in the construction of national identities.
  • L-LIN/03 French Literature:
    Antonietta Sanna (Professor)
    Antonietta Sanna (antonietta.sanna@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0002-7563-0045) enseigne la Littérature française à l’Université de Pise. Elle a conduit des recherches sur le théâtre du XVIIe siècle, sur la littérature du XIXe et du XXe siècles. Elle a publié de nombreux essais sur l’œuvre de Paul Valéry ainsi que sur ses inédits. Elle s’est intéressée à la réception de l’œuvre écrite de Léonard en France du XVIIIe au XXe siècles. Membre de l’Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes/ENS – CNRS, elle travaille sur la critique génétique, la numérisation des sciences humaines et le multilinguisme dans la création littéraire. Actuellement elle collabore à l’édition italienne des œuvres de Stéphane Mallarmé.Antonietta Sanna teaches French literature at the University of Pisa. She has conducted research into seventeenth-century theatre and nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature. She has published numerous essays on the work of Paul Valéry and his unpublished works. She has studied the reception of Leonardo’s written work in France from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries. A member of the Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes/ENS – CNRS, she works on genetic criticism, the digitisation of the humanities and multilingualism in literary creation. She is currently working on the Italian edition of the works of Stéphane Mallarmé.
    Barbara Sommovigo (Professor)
    Barbara Sommovigo (barbara.sommovigo@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0001-9583-657X) is an Associate Professor of French Literature. Her research activity primarily focuses on two distinct lines: French comic theater from the late 17th century to the first half of the 18th century, and, in the domain of French-language literatures, she is interested in Algerian literature in French (with a focus on female writing).
  • L-LIN/05 Spanish Literature:
    Ignacio Arellano (Professor)
    Ignacio Arellano (; ORCID: 0000-0002-3386-3668) is a Full Professor at the University of Navarra. He has founded several specialized journals and book series on the Golden Age. He is a member of the scientific committees of numerous journals in the field (Criticón, ÍNSULA, Edad de Oro, Rivista di Filologia e Letteratura Ispaniche…), and he served as the Secretary-General of the Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro from 1990 to 1996 and as its President from 1996 to 1999. Currently, he holds the honorary position of President of the same association. He has published around 200 books and over 400 scientific articles, most of which focus on the Golden Age.Catedrático de la Universidad de Navarra. Fundador de varias revistas y colecciones especializadas en el Siglo de Oro. Miembro de los consejos de numerosas revistas de la especialidad (Criticón, ÍNSULA, Edad de Oro, Rivista di Filologia e Letteratura Ispaniche…). Secretario General de la Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro (1990-1996) y Presidente de la misma (1996-1999). Actual presidente de honor de esta asociación. Ha publicado unos 200 libros y más de 400 artículos científicos, la mayoría sobre el Siglo de Oro.
    Federica Cappelli (Professor)
    Federica Cappelli (federica.cappelli@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0002-9720-9374) teaches Spanish Literature at the University of Pisa. She mainly investigates the literature of the Golden Age and the work, in prose and verse, of Quevedo, as well as its reception and transmission. She also studies the Golden Age theater (critical editions of plays by Mira de Amescua and Lope de Vega) and the minor picaresque: she is the author of the first complete Italian translation of Espinel’s Marcos de Obregón (2011). She is also interested in the narrative of the Spanish Republican exile and especially in the work of Aub and Sender; in this field of research, she wrote several essays, an anthology of exile short stories translations (2008) and the Italian translation of Relatos fronterizos (2014) and El fugitivo (2018), both by Sender.


    Federica Cappelli es profesora de Literatura Española en la Universidad de Pisa. Sus investigaciones se han centrado principalmente en la literatura del Siglo de Oro y, en particular, en la obra, tanto en prosa como en verso, de Quevedo, así como en su recepción y transmisión. Se ha ocupado también de teatro del siglo XVII, con ediciones críticas de obras de Mira de Amescua y Lope de Vega, y de la picaresca menor: es suya la primera traducción integral al italiano de la Vida del escudero Marcos de Obregón de Espinel (2011). También se interesa por la narrativa del exilio republicano y especialmente por la obra de Aub y Sender, ámbito en el que ha publicado numerosos ensayos, una antología de traducciones italianas de cuentos (2008) y la traducción al italiano de Relatos fronterizos (2014) y El fugitivo (2018) de Sender.

    Enrico Di Pastena (Full Professor)
    Enrico Di Pastena (enrico.dipastena@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0002-7313-7759) is Full Professor of Spanish Literature and member of the Steering Committee of the select Research Group Prolope (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), co-editor of the journal Anuario Lope de Vega. Texto, Literatura, Cultura and director of the contemporary theatre series La maschera e il volto. He has made critical editions of plays by L. de Vega, A. Moreto and J. Pérez de Montalbán. He is the author of studies about Siglo de oro drama, naturalistic novel and contemporary poetry. He has translated into Italian the works by A. Moreto, L. Alas “Clarín”, F. García Lorca and J. Mayorga, among others.


    Enrico Di Pastena es Catedrático de Literatura Española y miembro del Comité Directivo del Grupo de Excelencia Prolope (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), codirector del Anuario Lope de Vega. Texto, Literatura, Cultura y director de la colección bilingüe de teatro contemporáneo La maschera e il volto. Ha realizado ediciones críticas de obras de L. de Vega, A Moreto y J. Pérez de Montalbán. Es autor de estudios sobre teatro áureo y contemporáneo, novela decimonónica y poesía contemporánea. Ha traducido al italiano textos de A. Moreto, L. Alas “Clarín”, F. García Lorca y J. Mayorga, entre otros.

    Daniela Pierucci (Professor)
    Daniela Pierucci (daniela.pierucci@unipi.it)  teaches Spanish literature. She trained at the University of Pisa where she holds the position of associate professor in the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics. In the past she carried out studies on the comic literature of the Golden Age and the eighteenth century; for several years she has devoted herself to the study of Restoration fiction (of which she translated two novels) and Romantic poetry.


    Daniela Pierucci enseña Literatura Española. Se formó en la Universidad de Pisa, donde ocupa el cargo de profesora titular en el Departamento de Filología, Literatura y Lingüística. En el pasado ha realizado estudios sobre la literatura cómica del Siglo de Oro y del siglo XVIII; desde hace años se dedica al estudio de la ficción de la Restauración (de la cual ha traducido dos novelas) y la poesía romántica.

  • L-LIN/06 Hispano-American Language and Literatures:
    Alessandra Ghezzani (Professor)
    Alessandra Ghezzani (alessandra.ghezzani@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0002-5754-9964) teaches Hispano-American Literature at the University of Pisa. Her research interests are on modern and contemporary Spanish-American narrative, representation of cultural processes in essays and chronicles of the 19th century, essay argumentation, and fictional procedures. She has investigated the work of Rubén Darío and has translated his Raros for the first time in Italy (ETS, 2012). Concerning with most recent narrative, in addition to several articles on J. Cortázar, A. Carpentier, R. Arenas, Cabrera Infante, C. Peri Rossi, she studied extensively the work of Borges and published the monographs Borges critico letterario. Strutture e procedimenti discorsivi (ETS, 2008) y Leggere Borges (Carocci, 2023).Alessandra Ghezzani enseña Literatura Hispanomericana en la Universidad de Pisa. Sus intereses se concentran en la narrativa hispanoamericana moderna y contemporánea, la representación de los procesos culturales en los ensayos y las crónicas del siglo XIX, la argumentación ensayística y los procedimientos ficcionales. Ha investigado la obra de Rubén Darío y ha traducido por primera vez en Italia sus Raros (ETS, 2012). Con respecto a la narrativa más reciente,además de varios artículos sobre J. Cortázar, A. Carpentier, R. Arenas, Cabrera Infante, C. Peri Rossi, ha estudiado detenidamente la obra de Borges y ha publicado las monografías Borges critico letterario. Strutture e procedimenti discorsivi (ETS, 2008) y Leggere Borges (Carocci, 2023).
  • L-LIN/08 Portuguese and Brasilian Literature:
    Clara Rowland (Professor)
    Clara Rowland (clararowland@gmail.com; ORCID: 0000-0002-7530-0935) is an associate professor of Brazilian Literature at the Universidade Nova in Lisbon and a member of the IELT Research Centre. She conducts research mainly in the field of comparative studies, focusing on issues of representation and materiality in modern literature and cinema. She is the author of, among others, A forma do meio: livro e narração em Guimarães Rosa (2011), Falso Movimento: ensaios sobre escrita e cinema (2016).
    Valeria Tocco (Full Professor)
    Valeria Tocco  (valeria.tocco@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0002-2776-2094) is full Professor of Portuguese and Brazilian Literature at Pisa University. She works on literature from the 16th-17th centuries (e.g., Camões) to the 20th century (e.g., Pessoa, Almada Negreiros). She is also dedicated to translation studies and translation (she won two literary transaltion prizes). She is the author of, among others, the annotated edition of Os Lusíadas (2001) and Breve storia della letteratura portoghese dalle origini ai giorni nostri (2011).
  • L-LIN/10 English Literature:
    Nicoletta Caputo (Professor)
    Nicoletta Caputo (nicoletta.caputo@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0002-3675-5435) teaches English Literature at the University of Pisa. She holds a PhD in English Studies from the Universities of Pisa and Florence, and she has been Folger Shakespeare Library Research Fellow. She has published articles and a volume on Tudor drama (Playing with Power, 1998); essays on Shakespeare, on nineteenth-century stage history, on Romantic fiction and on contemporary English theatre and fiction (on Angela Carter, on Martin Amis and on feminist rewritings of history), as well as a monograph on Angela Carter’s Nights at the Circus (New Wine in Old Bottles, 2010). Her volume Richard III as a Romantic Icon: Textual, Cultural and Theatrical Appropriations was published in 2018 in Peter Lang’s series “Romantic Studies. Theories and Practices”.
    Fausto Ciompi (Professor)
    Fausto Ciompi (fausto.ciompi@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0002-7014-8807) is Associate Professor at the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics (University of Pisa), where he teaches English Literature and Contemporary English Literature. He co-edits Synergies: A Journal of English Literature and Cultures and Soglie. Rivista Quadrimestrale di Poesia e Critica Letteraria. He has been involved in various research projects including “The Reception of Conrad in Italy”, as part of the European project The Reception of British and Irish authors in Europe, coordinated by Professor Elinor Shaffer (University of London). His areas of research include Romantic poetry, modernism, contemporary English literature, postcolonial literature, the fiction of Joseph Conrad and the poetry of T.S. Eliot. Among his publications: Mondo e dizione. La poesia in Gran Bretagna e Irlanda dal 1945 a oggi (ETS, 2007), Conrad: Nichilismo e alterità (ETS, 2012) and T.S. Eliot: il sangue e l’inchiostro. Una biografia poetica e intellettuale (Carocci, 2024)
    Nathalie Cochoy (Professor)
    Roberta Ferrari (Full Professor)
    Roberta Ferrari (roberta.ferrari@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0001-6145-0222) is Professor of English Literature at Pisa University  Her research interests range from 18th-century literature to Modernism and Postmodernism. She has published volumes and essays on the beginnings of female professional writing, the early 18th-century novel, Gothic fiction, the Romantic essay, contemporary drama and narrative. She has also devoted specific attention to the study of travel literature and to Anglo-Italian cultural relations.
    Laura Giovannelli (Professor)
    Laura Giovannelli (laura.giovannelli@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0001-7439-520X) is Associate Professor of English Literature at the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics, University of Pisa. She co-edits the scientific journal Synergies: A Journal of English Literatures and Cultures and the book series InCarnations. Studi e prospettive sull’Ottocento britannico (ETS). She is also part of the Editorial Board of the annual journal Inerba. Primi passi nei testi and a founding member and vice-president of the Italian Oscar Wilde Society (IOWS). Her research fields cover British Aestheticism, Wildean Studies, Anglo-American Modernism, Postmodernism, Ecocriticism, and postcolonial literature. She is the author of more than one hundred studies, which have appeared in national as well as international contexts. Among her books are Nadine Gordimer (2013), “A Green Thought in a Green Shade”: Immaginario letterario e ambiente (2020, co-edited with Roberta Ferrari), and Wilde World. Una tavola rotonda su Oscar Wilde (2022, co-edited with Pierpaolo Martino).
    Etta Madden (Professor)
    Etta Madden (ettamadden@missouristate.edu; ORCID: 0000-0003-1906-6977) is the author or editor of four books, which consider American women writers, Italy, and utopian literature and intentional communities: Engaging Italy: American Women’s Utopian Visions and Transnational Networks (SUNY Press), Eating in Eden: Food and American Utopias (U Nebraska Press), Selections from Eliza Leslie (U Nebraska Press), and Bodies of Life: Shaker Literature and Literacies (Greenwood). The recipient of a Fulbright award, Etta has been a research fellow at the New York Public Library, a Visiting Scholar (2023) and an NEH Seminar participant (2013) at the American Academy in Rome, and a two-time recipient of a Mellon Fellowship from the Library Company of Philadelphia. She has taught courses on American literature, women writers, and utopian visions at Missouri State University, where she joined the faculty as a professor with a PhD in English in 1995.
    Biancamaria Rizzardi (Full Professor)
    Sara Soncini (Professor)
    Sara Francesca Soncini (sara.soncini@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0002-6680-5202) is Associate Professor of English Literature at the University of Pisa. Her main research interests lie in contemporary British and Irish drama, Shakespeare’s afterlife (performances, translations, adaptations), Restoration and 18th-century theatre culture. She is the author of Playing with(in) the Restoration, on modern-day revisions of Restoration drama (ESI 1999), Forms of Conflict: Contemporary Wars on the British Stage (University of Exeter Press 2015), Le metamorfosi di Sarah Kane: 4.48 Psychosis sulle scene italiane (Pisa University Press 2020) and, more recently, The School for Scandal. Superfici, (Mimesis 2022; with S. Greenup). Her edited volumes include Myths of Europe (Rodopi, 2007), Crossing Time and Space: Shakespeare Translations in Present-Day Europe (Plus 2008) and Shakespeare and Conflict: A European Perspective (Palgrave Macmillan 2013).
  • L-LIN/13 German Literature:
    Alessandro Fambrini (Full Professor)
    Alessandro Fambrini (alessandro.fambrini@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0001-9520-1574): Born in Seravezza (LU), on September the 8th 1960. Academic Training: Master in Languages with Summa cum laude (Laurea in Lingue), University of Pisa, 1984; PHD in German Language and Literature, University of Pavia 1993;Post-Doc Fellowship, University of Turin 1993-1994: 1995: Assistant Professor of German Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Trento; 1998: Founding editor and chair of Osservatorio critico della Germanistica; 2000: title of Associate Professor of German Language and Literature; Associate Professor of German Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Trento; 2004-2005: Chair of the Graduation course (“Corso di laurea”) in Modern Languages and Literatures; July 2010: Ordinary degree; 2014: Full Professor of German Literature at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Trento; 2015: Ordinary Professor of German Literature at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Pisa.
    Serena Grazzini (Professor)
    Serena Grazzini (serena.grazzini@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0003-1765-9576) is Professor of German Literature at the University of Pisa and Co-Editor of the literary journal Literatur für leser:innen (until 2022 literatur für leser). She studied at the University of Pisa and Tübingen. She was awarded a first doctorate in German Studies at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg and a second doctorate in Cultural Memory and European Tradition in Pisa. She was a Research Fellow at the universities of Halle-Wittenberg, Regensburg and Mainz, where she afterwards taught German-language literature for three semesters. Her published books and articles focus on German-speaking literature from the late nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries, on the relationship between literature and culture, and on the pathetic grotesque as a figure of modernity. She also works on Jewish-German literature, on mythology, reception studies and literary theory. More information can be found here

    Serena Grazzini ist Professorin für Deutsche Literatur an der Universität Pisa (Italien) und Mitherausgeberin der germanistischen Zeitschrift Literatur für leser:innen (bis 2022 literatur für leser). Sie hat an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg und an der Universität Pisa promoviert. Ihr Forschungsinteresse richtet sich historisch auf die Epochen vom Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts bis zur Gegewart, theoretisch auf Literatur und Kultur, literarische Komik und Mythologie. Die Schwerpunkte ihrer Veröffentlichungen liegen auf der deutschsprachigen Literatur des 19. und des 20. Jahrhunderts (u.a. Büchner, Musil, Johnson, Handke), deutschsprachig-jüdischen Autor:innen (u.a. Hildesheimer, P. Weiss, Kafka), auf Mythenforschung, literarischer Komik und Poetiken des Widerspruchs, dem Heimat-Diskurs in der Literatur vom Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts bis heute sowie auf literaturtheoretischen Paradigmen (u.a. Strukturalismus und Kulturwissenschaften). Weitere Infos zur Person und zur Forschung finden Sie hier.

    Jörg Robert (Professor)
    Francesco Rossi (Professor)
    Francesco Rossi (francesco.rossi@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0003-4724-0151) is Associate Professor of German Literature at the University of Pisa. He has collaborated with several international research institutes and has been Humboldt-Fellow. His research concerns the German 18th century, the classical-romantic, modern and contemporary literature, translation studies, the theory and history of literary and non-fiction genres, the Italian-German literary transfer. His publications include : Gesamterkennen (Würzburg 2011) e L’età romantica Letteratura tedesca tra Rivoluzione e Restaurazione (Roma 2023).


    Francesco Rossi ist Assoziierter Professor für deutsche Literatur an der Universität Pisa. Er hat mit mehreren internationalen Forschungsinstituten zusammengearbeitet und war Humboldt-Stipendiat. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind das deutsche 18. Jahrhundert, die Klassik, die Romantik, die Moderne, die Gegenwartsliteratur, Übersetzungsforschung, Theorie und Geschichte der literarischen und essayistischen Gattungen, der italienisch-deutsche Literaturtransfer. Zu seinen Veröffentlichungen gehören: Gesamterkennen (Würzburg 2011) und  L’età romantica Letteratura tedesca tra Rivoluzione e Restaurazione (Roma 2023).

  • L-LIN/17 Romanian Language and Literature:
    Emilia David (Professor)
    Emilia David (emilia.david@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0003-2943-3873) is Associate Professor in Romanian Language and Literature at the University of Pisa. She received in 2006 a PhD in Italian Literature at the University of Turin, which focuses on the relationship of the Romanian avant-garde with Futurism and with Dadaism, and in 2015 she obtained a PhD in Romanian Studies, after a joint doctoral programme and PhD thesis carried out at the Universities of Bucharest and Turin, which explores as a main topic the poetry of the “’80 Generation” and, in particular, the Matei Vişniec poeticity, as well as the bilingualism of his theater and its reception in France. She has dedicated five monographs to these themes and several essays to other representatives of the Romanian literary exile: Norman Manea e Herta Müller.Emilia David predă Limba și Literatura Română la Universitatea din Pisa în calitate de Conferențiar Dr. deține un Doctorat în Literatură Italiană obținut la Universitatea din Torino (2006) și dedicat relațiilor culturale ale avangardei românești cu futurismul și dadaismul, iar în 2015 a obținut un doctorat în Studii românești, realizat în cotutelă la Universitățile din București și din Torino, aprofundând poezia Generației 80 și, în special, poetica lui Matei Vișniec, precum și bilingvismul teatrului său și receptarea acestuia în Franța. A dedicat acestor teme cinci studii monografice și mai multe articole științifice altor reprezentanți ai exilului literar românesc: Norman Manea și Herta Müller.
  • L-LIN/21 Slavonic studies:
    Francesca Romoli (Professor)
    Francesca Romoli (francesca.romoli@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0003-4994-7062) is Associate Professor of Slavistics at the University of Pisa. She graduated cum laude from the University of Florence and received her PhD from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. She has worked at the Universities of Florence, Urbino, Bari and Milan. Her research focuses on Eastern Slavic literary civilisation from the origins up to the 16th century. She has participated as a speaker in over 40 conferences in Italy and abroad and is the author of over 80 publications.Франческа Ромоли – доцент кафедры славистики Пизанского университета. Она окончила Флорентийский университет с отличием и получила степень доктора философии в Римском университете «Ла Сапиенца». Работала в университетах Флоренции, Урбино, Бари и Милана. Ее исследования посвящены восточнославянской литературной цивилизации от истоков до XVI в. Она участвовала в качестве докладчика в более чем 40 конференциях в Италии и за рубежом и является автором более 80 публикаций.
    Marco Sabbatini (Professor)
    Marco Sabbatini(marco.sabbatini@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0002-8837-6592) teaches Russian Literature and Culture at the University of Pisa (Department of Philology Literature and Linguistics). Ph.D. in Slavic Studies at the University of Rome, La Sapienza (XVI cycle), Post-doc at the University of Salerno (2004), from 2004 to 2007 he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Perugia and Macerata (2004-2007). He was a Researcher at the University of Macerata (2007-2017). His research interests concern Russian Literature, Culture and History. He is a specialist of XX century Russian Literature (poetics and theory), Russo-Italian cultural emigration and relations. He is author of several Italian translation, such us Viktor Krivulin, Concerto a richiesta (2016), and of essays and books about Samizdat, Soviet culture and Unofficial literature (Viktor Nekrasov e l’Italia, 2018; Leningrado underground. Testi, poetiche, samizdat, 2020). He is the scientific coordinator of the book series “Masterskaja 20”, and the scientific co-editor of the Research project Free Voices in the Ussr.


  • L-LIN/01 Glottology and Linguistics:
    Diego Ardoino (Professor)
    Diego Ardoino (diego.ardoino@flf.vu.lt; ORCID: 0009-0003-1279-4186) graduated in Classics from the University of Pisa and holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics (University of Pisa) and Indo-European Linguistics (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main). He is a research fellow at the Institute of Slavic Languages and Literatures of the University of Bern, where he teaches the Lithuanian language and where he recently founded a new centre for Baltic Studies for which he is responsible. He is also an associate professor at the Institute of English, Romance, and Classical Studies of Vilnius University, where he heads the Department of Linguistics and Italian Literature. Former expert in Baltic Studies, Baltic Philology, General Linguistics, and Translation Theories and Practices at the Department of Philology, Literature, and Linguistics from the University of Pisa, his main research interests concern the Old Prussian language, historical sociolinguistics, Baltic philology, the (history of) the Lithuanian language and Italian dialectology (the dialects of Liguria). In 2023, he was decorated by the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella, with the honor of Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy “for his fundamental role in promoting relations of friendship and collaboration between Italy and Lithuania”.
    Francisco Javier Ballester Gomez (Professor)
    Philippe Blache (Professor)
    Philippe Blache (philippe.blache@univ-amu.fr; ORCID: 0000-0002-5216-9591) is Senior Researcher at the CNRS. He created and has been the director of two research institutes (ILCB and BLRI). He was previously director of 2 CNRS labs in France (LPL, 2LC). He is author of more than 200 publications and has been PI of many research projects, including at the international level. He has been actively involved in research management and chaired around 20 international conferences. His field of research is the cognitive modeling of language processing in its interactional context, including its cerebral bases.

    Silvia Calamai (Full Professor)
    Silvia Calamai (silvia.calamai@unisi.it; Orcid ID: 0000-0002-6585-2576) is full professor in Linguistics and Sociolinguistics at the University of Siena. She is member of the CLARIN Legal and Ethical Issues Committee and the CLARIN-IT group. Her main research interests are sociophonetics, oral archives and dialectology. She is p.i. of the Erasmus+ project CIRCE COUNTERACTING ACCENT DISCRIMINATION PRACTICES IN EDUCATION (2023-25) on accentism in Europe and she is member of Management Committee in the COST Action CA19102 ‘Language In The Human-Machine Era’ (LITHME).
    Pietro Dini (Full Professor)
    Rosangela Lai (Researcher)
    Rosangela Lai (rosangela.lai@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0003-2927-5721) is a Senior Research Fellow in Linguistics at the University of Pisa. Previously, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow and Adjunct Professor of Linguistics at the University of Florence and an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the Georg-August University of Göttingen. Her major areas of interest are phonology, dialectology, and language variation with a special focus on minority languages.
    Alessandro Lenci (Full Professor)
    Alessandro Lenci (alessandro.lenci@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0001-5790-4308) s Full Professor in Linguistics at the University of Pisa, and the director of the Computational Linguistics Laboratory (CoLingLab: http://colinglab.humnet.unipi.it/). His main research areas include distributional semantics and its applications in linguistic and cognitive research, computational lexical semantics, computational models of semantic compositionality, tools and resources for NLP and Digital Humanities.
    Giovanna Marotta (Full Professor)
    Giovanna Marotta (giovanna.marotta@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0002-7942-0299) has been Full Professor of Glottology and Linguistics at the University of Pisa since 2001. She teaches General Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Phonetics and Phonology in the Degree Programmes of the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics. She graduated in Classical Literature from the University of Pisa in 1979 and obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Linguistics from the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa in 1984. She served as President of the CdS in Linguistics in the years 2004-2006 and of the PhD in Linguistics at the University of Pisa from 2006 to 2010. Between 2014 and 2016, she was President of the Italian Society of Glottology and from 2016 to 2020 she was a member of the Senate of the University of Pisa. She is Editor of the journal Studi e Saggi Linguistici (https://studiesaggilinguistici.it/ssl) and of the series Studi Linguistici Pisani, PUP. She is currently Vice-Director of the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics.
    Andrea Nuti (Professor)
    Andrea Nuti (andrea.nuti@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0001-8016-5195) graduated in Historical Linguistics at the University of Florence with a thesis on the Latin lexicon and obtained his PhD at the University of Pisa with a thesis on the Old Irish syntax. He studied Celtic in Trinity College (Dublin) and carried on studies in the Gaeltacht (Donegal) for several years. He has participated in numerous research projects, among which an international project on Latin syntax (2002-2010) funded by the US National Science Foundation et al. (Rockefeller, Diebold, Salus Mundi), with a workshop fellowship at the Bellagio Center of the Rockefeller Foundation. The topics of his publications include historical and Indo-European linguistics, Celtic, Latin, etymology, and linguistic typology. He currently teaches Historical Linguistics, Latin Linguistics and Celtic Philology at the University of Pisa.


    Bhain Andrea Nuti céim amach sa Teangeolaíocht Stairiúil in Ollscoil Fhlórans le tráchtas ar an bhfoclóir Laidineach agus bhain sé PhD amach ag Ollscoil Pisa le tráchtas ar chomhréir na Sean-Ghaeilge. Rinne sé staidéar ar an gCeiltis i gColáiste na Tríonóide (Baile Átha Cliath) agus rinne sé staidéar sa Ghaeltacht (Dún na nGall) le roinnt blianta. Ghlac sé páirt i go leor tionscadal taighde, ina measc tionscadal idirnáisiúnta ar chomhréir Laidine (2002-2010) arna mhaoiniú ag Fondúireacht Eolaíochta Náisiúnta na SA et al. (Rockefeller, Diebold, Salus Mundi), le comhaltacht ceardlainne ag Ionad Bellagio de chuid Fondúireacht Rockefeller. I measc na n-ábhar ina chuid foilseachán tá an teangeolaíocht stairiúil agus Ind-Eorpach, an Cheiltis, an Laidin, an tsanasaíocht agus an tíopeolaíocht theangeolaíoch. Faoi láthair, múineann sé Teangeolaíocht Stairiúil, Teangeolaíocht Laidineach agus Fioleolaíocht Cheilteach ag Ollscoil Pisa.

    Sebastian Padó (Professor)
    Sebastian Padó  (sebastian.pado@ims.uni-stuttgart.de, ORCID: 0000-0002-7529-6825) is professor of computational linguistics at Stuttgart University, Germany. He studied in Saarbrücken, Edinburgh and Stanford. His core research is concerned with the use ofsemantic knowledge in language. This includes aspects from linguistics (polysemy, multilinguality, discourse), digital humanities (genre, characters) and computational social science (discourse networks, political positions).
    Daniel Alain Petit (Professor)
    Domenica Romagno (Professor)
    Francesco Rovai (Professor)
    Francesco Rovai (francesco.rovai@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0001-6617-858X) is Associate Professor of Linguistics. His research interests include sociolinguistic variation and language change in Latin (with particular reference to phenomena of alignment variation and case syncretism), as well as aspects of multilingualism and language contact in the Ancient Mediterranean. He is currently working on the dialectics between orthography and paleography in Republican Latin.
  • L-LIN/02 Educational Linguistics:
    Francesca Gallina (Professor)
    Francesca Gallina (francesca.gallina@unipi.it; Orcid: 0000-0002-9577-1830) is Associate Professor in Educational Linguistics at the University of Pisa. Her main research interest areas are: language contact and multilingualism in immigration contexts, educational linguistics and Italian as L2 learning an teaching, L2 vocabulary acquisition, diffusion of Italian language in the global linguistic space, impact of language policies on the development of L2 teaching and learning processes.
  • L-LIN/04 French Language and Linguistics:
    Francesco Attruia (Professor)
    Francesco Attruia (francesco.attruia@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0002-6833-4133) is associate professor in French language and linguistics. His research focuses on the variation of French in North America and on the analysis of discourse in the participatory Web and social media. He has dedicated a study to Michel Tremblay (L’Harmattan 2018) and has more recently questioned the construction of epistemic authority and metalinguistic competence in the work of the French-Canadian playwright and choreographer Joëlle Préfontaine. He coordinates a project on linguistic ideologies and marginal literatures.Francesco Attruia est maître de conférences en Langue et linguistique françaises. Ses recherches portent sur la variation du français en Amérique du Nord et sur l’analyse des discours du Web 2.0. Il a consacré un ouvrage à Michel Tremblay (L’Harmattan 2018) et mène à présent des recherches sur la construction de l’autorité épistémique et la compétence métalinguistique chez la dramaturge et chorégraphe franco-albertaine Joëlle Préfontaine. Il coordonne un projet de recherche consacré aux idéologies linguistiques et aux littératures minoritaires.
    Rosa Cetro (Professor)
    Rosa Cetro (rosa.cetro@unipi.it ; ORCID: 0000-0002-9747-4063) is Associate Professor in French Language and Linguistics. Her research focuses on artistic terminology, phraseology, corpus linguistics and learning of French as a foreign language. She is part of two research groups, Lessico dei Beni Culturali (University of Florence) and PLIDAM (INALCO, Paris). She has authored the monograph La démarche terminologique d’André Félibien. La systématisation du lexique artistique en français (L’Harmattan Italia, 2022) and various contributions in national and international journals. She is on the Editorial Board of Revue italienne d’Études françaises (RIEF).

    Rosa Cetro (rosa.cetro@unipi.it ; ORCID: 0000-0002-9747-4063) est Professeure associée en Langue et Linguistique française auprès du Département de Philologie, Littérature et Linguistique de l’Université de Pise. Ses recherches portent sur la terminologie artistique, sur la phraséologie, la linguistique de corpus et la didactique du FLE. Elle est membre de l’équipe de recherche Lessico dei Beni Culturali de l’Université de Florence et membre associé de l’équipe PLIDAM (INALCO, Paris). Elle est l’autrice du volume La démarche terminologique d’André Félibien. La systématisation du lexique artistique en français (L’Harmattan Italia, 2022) et de diverses contributions dans des revues nationales et internationales. Elle fait partie du comité de rédaction de la Revue italienne d’Études françaises (RIEF).

    Lorella Sini (Professor)
    Lorella Sini (lorella.sini@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0001-7425-5565) obtained her PhD in French Linguistics and Language Sciences from the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris III) in 1997 (thesis in contrastive linguistics italian-french on analysis of argumentative connectors) ; presently associated Professor in French language and Linguistics at the University of Pisa (Department of Filologia, Lettere e Linguistica) ; her publications include several papers on hate speech and on the far-right and populist discourses in France and in Italy. Her areas of research also include onomastic studies. Last papers : ‘Déni’, ‘Populisme’, ‘Stéréotype’ in N. Lorenzi Bailly, Cl. Moïse (dir.), Discours de haine et des radicalités. Un glossaire des notions, ENS Editions, Lyon, 2022.


    Lorella Sini est titulaire d’un doctorat en Sciences du Langage (Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle -1997) portant sur l’analyse contrastive des connecteurs argumentatifs -Italien/français), actuellement Professoressa Associata en Langue française et Linguistique auprès du Département de Filologia, Lettere e Linguistica – Université de Pise). Ses domaines de recherche portent sur l’analyse du discours et en particulier les discours de haine (discours d’extrême droite et discours populistes). Elle s’intéresse également à l’onomastique (analyse sémantique et discursive). Dernières publications : rédaction des entrées ‘Déni’, ‘Populisme’, ‘Stéréotype’ in N. Lorenzi Bailly, Cl. Moïse (dir.), Discours de haine et des radicalités. Un glossaire des notions, ENS Editions, Lyon, 2022.

  • L-LIN/07 Spanish Language and Linguistics:
    Rosa María García Jiménez (Researcher)
    Rosa María García Jiménez (rosa.garcia@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0001-6818-0376)  holds a Degree in Hispanic Philology from University of Barcelona at the Universidad de Barcelona and a PhD in Linguistics of Modern Languages from the University of Pisa. Her research focuses mainly on the semantics and pragmatics of the Spanish language, in a synchronic and diachronic perspective, and on the teaching of Spanish as foreign language.Rosa María García Jiménez es licenciada en Filología Hispánica por la Universidad de Barcelona y doctora en Lingüística de las Lenguas Modernas por la Università di Pisa. Sus principales áreas de investigación son la semántica y la pragmática de la lengua española, tanto en sincronía como en diacronía, y la didáctica del español como lengua extranjera.
    Selena Simonatti (Professor)
  • L-LIN/09 Portuguese and Brasilian Language and Linguistics:
    Monica Lupetti (Professor)
  • L-LIN/12 English Language and Linguistics:
    Silvia Bruti (Full Professor)
    Silvia Bruti (silvia.bruti@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0001-9327-1114), PhD in English from the University of Pisa, is Full Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Pisa and Director of the University Language Centre. She has conducted research in the fields of text linguistics, (historical) pragmatics and applied linguistics, with a special focus on audiovisual translation, stylistics and the teaching of English. Apart from articles in national and international volumes, her publications include a monograph on the translation of politeness (2013) and a co-authored volume on interlingual subtitling (2017).
    Gloria Cappelli (Professor)
    Gloria Cappelli (gloria.cappelli@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0002-2047-2596) is Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics. Her research focuses on the semantics and pragmatics of the English language, on Tourism Discourse and English for Special Purposes, on the discursive strategies for the dissemination and the popularization of specialized knowledge, on corpus-assisted discourse analysis and on the teaching and learning of English as a Foreign Language. Over the past few years, she has been investigating the role of lexical and pragmatic skills in reading comprehension and in the development of language proficiency in EFL both in learners with dyslexia and in typically-developing learners.
    Denise Filmer (Researcher)
    Denise Filmer (denise.filmer@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0003-0459-1963) is assistant professor of English linguistics and translation in the department of philology, literature, and linguistics at the University of Pisa. She holds a PhD in translation studies (Durham University UK). Her research is grounded in critical discourse studies, focusing on ideology in translation, political and news discourse, media translation, gender and sexuality in media discourse, and cross-cultural pragmatics. She has authored two monographs (Translating Racial Slurs. Last Linguistic Taboo and Translational Dilemma 2012; Italy’s Politician’s in the News. Journalistic Translation and Cultural Representation 2021) and numerous contributions in international journals. She is on the Editorial Board of Perspectives. Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, and Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    Elisa Mattiello (Professor)
    Elisa Mattiello (elisa.mattiello@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0001-9885-0262) is Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics (University of Pisa). She holds a Ph.D. in English Linguistics from the same University, where she teaches courses of English linguistics and ESP. Her research focuses on English word-formation and lexicology, with particular attention to the creative mechanisms used to coin new words in English. In these areas, she has published extensively in leading journals and volumes. She also authored the monographs An Introduction to English Slang (Polimetrica, 2008), Extra-grammatical Morphology in English (De Gruyter, 2013), Analogy in Word-formation (De Gruyter, 2017), Linguistic Innovation in the Covid-19 Pandemic (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022), and Transitional Morphology (Cambridge University Press, 2022).
    Sabrina Noccetti (Researcher)
    Sabrina Noccetti (sabrina.noccetti@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0003-1188-3817) is Assistant Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics of the University of Pisa. After graduating in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Pisa, she completed a PhD in Morphology and Psycholinguistics at the University of Vienna. Her research focuses mainly on language acquisition and learning, and on lexical and pragmatic skills of learners with developmental dyslexia.
  • L-LIN/14 German Language and Linguistics:
    Christian Fandrych (Full Professor)
    Christian Fandrych (fandrych@uni-leipzig.de, ORCID: 0000-0003-0838-6457) is Full Professor Professor in Linguistics (German as a Foreign & Second Language) at the University of Leipzig, Germany. Actual Research Projects: ‘Access to multimodal corpora of spoken German’; ‘Linguistic patterns in scientific engineering texts’ (Gingko). Areas of Research: Vocabulary, Word-Formation, Discourse Analysis, Functional Grammar, Academic Language, Contrastive Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics. Editor-in-chief of the research journal ‘Deutsch als Fremdsprache’. Konrad-Duden Prize 2018 for Research in German Linguistics and German as a Foreign Language.Christian Fandrych ist ordentlicher Professor für Linguistik Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache an der Universität Leipzig. Leitung der DFG-Forschungsprojekte “Zugänge zu multimodalen Korpora gesprochener Sprache” und “Muster in der Sprache der ingenieurwissenschaften” (Ginko). Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Wortschatz, Wortbildung, Textlinguistik, funktionale Grammatik, Wissenschaftssprache, Kontrastive Linguistik, Korpuslinguistik. Chefredakteur der Zeitschrift “Deutsch als Fremdsprache”. Konrad-Duden_Preis 2018 für Verdienste um die Erforschung der deutschen Sprache und das Fach Deutsch als Fremdsprache.
    Marina Foschi (Full Professor)
    Marina Foschi (marina.foschi@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0003-2963-5889), PhD in German Literature, University of Maryland, College Park, Md., since 1993 Junior Professor of German Literature, since 2000 Professor for German Linguistics, University of Pisa. Alexander von Humboldt and DAAD Alumna. She teaches and does research in the fields of text stylistics, poetics, text comprehension, complex structures of German texts, contrastive linguistics, verbal comicity.
    Marianne Hepp (Full Professor)
    Marianne Hepp (marianne.hepp@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0001-7214-1935) is Full Professor of German Linguistics (L-LIN/14). Her research interests include text linguistics/text stylistics, German morphology and word formation, typological connections between everyday text and literary texts, multilingual approaches in German L2 teaching, language policy (with a particular focus on Martin Luther’s pioneering role for education policy in Europe).Guest professorships and scientific project cooperation at international level.


    Marianne Hepp ist ordentliche Professorin für Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft (L-LIN/14). Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Textlinguistik und Stilistik, Morphologie und Wortbildung, mehrsprachige Ansätze im L2-Deutschunterricht, Sprachenpolitik (mit einem gegenwärtigen Schwerpunkt auf Martin Luthers Wegbereiterrolle für die Bildungspolitik in Europa). Gastseminare und Mitarbeit an wissenschaftlichen Projekten auf internationaler Ebene.

    Patrizio Malloggi (Researcher)
    Patrizio Malloggi (patrizio.malloggi@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0001-8026-2470) is Assistant Professor of German Linguistics (L-LIN/14). His main areas of research concern morphology and grammar of German also from a contrastive perspective with Italian (with a focus on the word classes preposition and preadverb) and the didactics of German as foreign language, with a focus on reading strategies and text comprehension. Guest professorships and scientific project cooperation at international level.


    Patrizio Malloggi ist Junior-Professor für Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft (L-LIN/14). Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Morphologie und Grammatik des Deutschen, auch in kontrastiver Perspektive zum Italienischen (mit Schwerpunkt auf den Wortklassen Präposition und Präadverb), sowie die Didaktik des Deutschen als Fremdsprache, mit Schwerpunkt auf Lesestrategien und Textverständnis. Vorträge und Mitarbeit an wissenschaftlichen Projekten auf internationaler Ebene.

  • L-LIN/21 Slavonic studies:
    Viktoria Lazareva (Professor)
    Viktoria Lazareva (viktoria.lazareva@unipi.it; ORCID: 0000-0001-7057-0365) is associate professor of Russian Language and Linguistics at the University of Pisa; previously she taught at the University of Salerno. She is a member of the editorial board of the journal Europa Orientalis. She studied Slavic studies at St. Petersburg State University, where she also received a PhD in Slavic linguistics. Her main research areas are Slavic linguistics (syntax, semantics, pragmatics), Slavic-Romance textual contrastive linguistics. She has also worked on the theory and grammar of proper names, spoken language analysis, and translation.
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