Giornate del Dottorato

Organised in February each year, this event includes two full days of lectures and discussion between doctoral students and the Faculty of the Programme. During the one-hour lectures, members of the Faculty Council present theoretical models, methodological issues or specific topics that are crucial for the scientific debate in their field of expertise. A preparatory reading list is provided beforehand, and discussion follows each lectures.

The two days also include the active participation of third-year students in two thematic round-tables (one for each curriculum) moderated by faculty members.

Students must attend the lectures and the round-table organised for their curriculum, but attendance of all activities for both curricula is encouraged.

Students who are unable to attend the mandatory activities must provide a written justification.

Doctoral students awaiting evaluation of their thesis and/or nearing final discussion are not required to attend the Giornate del Dottorato, but they are most welcome should they choose to do so.


Giornate del Dottorato 2025

Aula Magna Storica – Palazzo “La Sapienza”


11th February 2025 – literary curriculum 

Chair: Enrico Di Pastena

9:00 Marco Sabbatini, Ecfrasi e poetica del sottosuolo nella letteratura russa del Novecento

10:15 Valeria Tocco, Camões 500 anni dopo: dritto e rovescio

11:30  break

Chair: Antonietta Sanna

11:45 Emilia David, La poetica di Tristan Tzara – dal simbolismo al dadaismo

13:00 lunch

Chair: Cinzia Cadamagnani

14:30 Domenica Romagno, Alternanze di valenza in italiano e nelle varietà regionali e dialettali: fra causazione e labilità

Thematic round-table

15:30 Francesco Rossi, Letteratura e intermedialità. Discussants: Elena Bastianoni, Angel de Oliveira, Alessia Guidi, Andrea Lupi, Caterina Russo


Aula Magna Storica – Palazzo “La Sapienza”


12th February 2025 – linguistic curriculum

Chair: Giovanna Marotta

9:30 Francesco Rovai, Il greco in Occidente nell’Alto Medioevo

10:45 break

11:15 Viktoria Lazareva, Iterazione lessicale: approcci allo studio e prospettive di analisi

12:30  lunch

Thematic round-table

14:30 Elisa Mattiello, La nozione di “analogia” in linguistica. Discussants: Matteo Berni, Paola Esposito, Agnese Lombardi




Corpus F. Rovai

Corpus E. David

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